AODP Automatic Ordering & Delivery Protocol
What is AODP?
The virtual connection of trading partners

AODP facilitates the process of communication process between suppliers and dealers. Ordering and delivery of digital products can be decentralized, automated and protected through AODP.

AODP enables allows any number of points of sale (retailers) to sell digital products to end customers without storing the digital master files of the products themselves locally. Instead, the supplier himself has his own download server from which the digital products are loaded. The end-customer does not even notice AODP. For him, sales processing up to delivery is handled by the dealer.

AODP is decentralized

With AODP, every supplier can operate his own "digital warehouse" (AODP server) and organize his digital products (master items) on this server. Via AODP, retailers access these warehouses as required. This allows them to offer digital products in a much easier way. The result is a network of suppliers and retailers who operate their business independently.

AODP works automatically

AODP is designed to be used in a fully automated environment, e.g. in a webshop. As soon as the customer buys an item from his retailer, the necessary business transaction is processed via AODP durchgeführt. The delivery then takes place via the supplier's server.

AODP means safety

The communication via AODP takes place directly between supplier and retailer via encrypted and authenticated connections. Each participant receives a unique participant ID. AODP participants can look them up via the AODP user directory.

AODP means transparency

A unique transaction ID is generated for each individual transaction. It contains the participating dealer, the participating provider and the time of sale. Thus, it is very easy to keep track of all sales.

Invoice processing between supplier and retailer

Billing between suppliers and retailers is based on the transaction logs which each participant records and keeps for himself. In these logs, every single sales process is recorded and is uniquely identifiable by its AODP transaction ID. To this purpose, all important information like time of sale, transaction partner, item, quantity and status is stored. Suppliers can generate the invoices for their business partners on the basis of these logs. The retailer can trace the settlement on the basis of his own log.

AODP enables complete transparency for business partners.

And speaking of invoicing – does AODP actually cost anything?
With the AODP network contribution, users contribute to the organization and maintainance of essential services for the ongoing operation of the AODP network. The network contribution is designed in such a way that AODP users can easily generate it from current business. All services necessary for the usage of AODP are covered with this network contribution that means in , in the standard case the user does not incur any further costs. br> Furthermore, it is important to say that AODP transactions are always processed directly and securely between retailers and suppliers. This is an internal process and thus, in principle, there is no fee for the individual AODP transaction.

AODP from a technological point of view

On a technical level, AODP is based on existing Internet standards. It uses XML-based messages that are exchanged via HTTP. TLS is used as encryption/authentication layer.